Assistant ChatGPT Demo

GPT Family

Model: GPT-3.5 (ChatGPT)

Use Case: Generate conversational text to assist users. This is done via prompt engineering using the underlying ChatGPT model trained by OpenAI. The model excels at generating conversational text. For this reason, it can form human-like text responses with capabilities such as conversational memory, reasoning, and understanding. Web-scrapped infomation as well as higher level datasets (such as Wikipedia) form the basis of the models training data.

In addition to this, the ChatGPT model can be used with convosational examples to fine-tune (train) the model. Alternatively, other services such as Azure Cognitive Search or QnA Maker can be used in conjunction with ChatGPT to store infomation in a seperate service which ChatGPT can query and use the infomation to return a response.

The assistant below has been prompted to help out with Microsoft general knowledge queries using the ChatGPT model. Please type message below to use it.

I'm a Microsoft assistant running on Azure Open AI...